Krško, 19 January 2024

The GEN Group was visited by members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, members of the Committee for Infrastructure, Environment, and Spatial Planning

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, we hosted members of the Committee for Infrastructure, Environment, and Spatial Planning in the GEN Group. The company's management presented the GEN Group, our operations, and investment plans, with a focus on the JEK2 project.

During the visit, GEN’s CEO, Dr. Dejan Paravan, stated: ‘At GEN, we are focused on expediting all preparations for the JEK2 project, and we consistently communicate about it with various stakeholders. Public support for the construction of the second nuclear power plant is growing. I attribute this to the energy crisis, awareness of the need for self-sufficiency, discussions on decarbonization, the green transition, and the role of nuclear energy in these processes.’ He emphasized that in the GEN Group, we have actively contributed to enhancing energy literacy in recent years and will continue to ensure a professionally supported and well-argued discussion on the JEK2 project and Slovenia’s energy future.

‘The acquired information will be helpful in the committee’s professional work, and we have also gained relevant insights into the progress of the JEK2 project,’ stated Nataša Avšič Bogovič, the chairperson of the Committee for Infrastructure.

During the continuation of the visit, the members of the committee also toured the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the construction site of the NSRAO in Vrbina.